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Our team tries to bring you the most up-to-date information about everything interesting that is happening in Císařské Lázně.

Here Vary 2024/25 | Subscription

This is Vary 2024/25. This is the movie season with subscription. We will bring you the festival atmosphere and 10 films in preview to Czech cinemas. Get a discounted subscription (3 of the 10 films will be free) and experience 10 movie nights between October 2024 and June 2025. Once a month you will walk the red carpet and enjoy a preview [...]

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Beautiful Karlovy Vary: Again and again I get intoxicated by the senses

"Again and again Karlovy Vary manages to put me in a daze of the senses, when I see not only what is, but also what could be and what is hidden behind the curtain. When I see everything that is hidden as if by magic. It is perhaps the miracle of the healing springs, which even modern science has failed to capture and describe sufficiently in its fragility [...]

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A little monkey is not a big drunk, or the wine list of the hotel "At Archduke Charles"

Let not thirst be thy sorrow, for our cellars are full of barrels! This is how one can loosely translate the German rhyme from the wine list of the hotel "At Archduke Charles", which used to stand in today's Moravská Street just a short walk from Vřídlo. We found the wine menu of the local "Old German cellar" in the collection of Stanislav Burachovich and we want to share this charming archival relic. [...]

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Building of a multifunctional hall

CÍSAŘSKÉ LÁZNĚ The former jewel of Karlovy Vary, Císařské lázně, has received a new multifunctional hall designed by our studio, which will help turn the building into a social and cultural centre of the region. Our concept for the multi-purpose hall is based on respect for the historic late 19th century building, while reflecting the needs of a modern cultural space. We emphasized the variability of the metal structure, which can [...]

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Conference Better Czech Republic 2024: A Challenge for the Future

The prestigious Better Czech Republic 2024 conference, organized by Forbes, was held for the second time this year (17 October 2024) in the Císařské lázně Spa in Karlovy Vary. This event is a unique platform for discussing the future of our country, with the aim of sparking change and inspiring new ideas. The main stage hosted 65 speakers and more than [...]

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Karel Čapek: Karlovy Vary on the threshold of the season

Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk and Karel Čapek stayed together in Karlovy Vary 90 years ago. They worked on the famous "Talks with TGM". At that time, the town was struggling with the effects of the economic crisis and the tense international situation, which led to an outflow of spa guests.

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