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Our team tries to bring you the most up-to-date information about everything interesting that is happening in Císařské Lázně.

The Imperial Spas took over the archival collection of the famous Karlovy Vary historian and patriot Dr. Stanislav Burachovič!

Hundreds of archive boxes and documents, thousands of maps, magazines and photographs and many unique regional monuments have been taken into the care of the Imperial Spas. At the request of the family of the late Dr. Burachovich, his life's historical work found a new home here. Last week, Mrs. Alena Burachovic signed the donation contract and the Imperial Spas are now beginning to work on the inventory and [...]

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Building of a multifunctional hall

CÍSAŘSKÉ LÁZNĚ The former jewel of Karlovy Vary, Císařské lázně, has received a new multifunctional hall designed by our studio, which will help turn the building into a social and cultural centre of the region. Our concept for the multi-purpose hall is based on respect for the historic late 19th century building, while reflecting the needs of a modern cultural space. We emphasized the variability of the metal structure, which can [...]

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Communist-capitalist casino in Císařské lázně

The landmark year of 1989 was much more blurred in Karlovy Vary than elsewhere in the country. Long before the revolution, communism shook hands with capitalism here. One such case was the casino in Císařské lázně, which opened in June 1988. The Communist Party-run country in the late 1980s was in desperate need of Western marks, shillings and dollars. Lubomír Štrougal's cabinet therefore made contacts [...]

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Beautiful Karlovy Vary: Again and again I get intoxicated by the senses

"Again and again Karlovy Vary manages to put me in a daze of the senses, when I see not only what is, but also what could be and what is hidden behind the curtain. When I see everything that is hidden as if by magic. It is perhaps the miracle of the healing springs, which even modern science has failed to capture and describe sufficiently in its fragility [...]

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Karlovy Vary brewery

In the collection of Stanislav Burachovič we often come across charming prints. One of them is a view of the Karlovy Vary bourgeois brewery, which stood on the site of today's Imperial Spa since 1732. Even though the picture is idyllic and the summer beer garden is a real lure to sit in, the brewery was a thorn in the side of many Karlovy Vary townspeople. The tall smoking chimney right in the spa centre suggests why. Originally [...]

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Senior Citizens Month

Celebrate the month of seniors in Císařské Lázně. Take advantage of the 50% discount for seniors throughout October.

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