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Our team tries to bring you the most up-to-date information about everything interesting that is happening in Císařské Lázně.

Imperial Spas wins special jury prize in Best of Realty 2023 real estate competition

Best of Realty - Best of Realty, a prestigious real estate competition, celebrates its quarter century of existence this year. It is a unique platform for awarding and presenting the most important real estate projects in the Czech Republic. The gala evening, which took place on Tuesday 14 November at the Forum Karlín, was attended by leading personalities of the Czech real estate market. In this year's jubilee [...]

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The Imperial Spas took over the archival collection of the famous Karlovy Vary historian and patriot Dr. Stanislav Burachovič!

Hundreds of archive boxes and documents, thousands of maps, magazines and photographs and many unique regional monuments have been taken into the care of the Imperial Spas. At the request of the family of the late Dr. Burachovich, his life's historical work found a new home here. Last week, Mrs. Alena Burachovic signed the donation contract and the Imperial Spas are now beginning to work on the inventory and [...]

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A little monkey is not a big drunk, or the wine list of the hotel "At Archduke Charles"

Let not thirst be thy sorrow, for our cellars are full of barrels! This is how one can loosely translate the German rhyme from the wine list of the hotel "At Archduke Charles", which used to stand in today's Moravská Street just a short walk from Vřídlo. We found the wine menu of the local "Old German cellar" in the collection of Stanislav Burachovich and we want to share this charming archival relic. [...]

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How much did a bath in the Imperial Spa cost

Since September 2023 we have been looking after the extensive archive collection of Stanislav Burachovich, which was entrusted to us free of charge by his family. We have started organizing, inventorying and preparing it for access to researchers and the public. It will take some time, but already now we want to share the selected treasures and inspirations. The first topic will be prosaic. It will be about money. The Imperial Spas attracted [...]

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Reopening of the Imperial Spas

The Imperial Spas reopened to the public after a 3-year reconstruction. We celebrated this event with a spectacular gala concert. The opening show was prepared by brothers Michal and Simon Cabani. We listened to Antonín Dvořák's Carnival, Op. 92 and Symphony No. 9 in E minor, Op. 95 "New World" - Allegro noc fuoco in a great performance by the Karlovy Vary Symphony Orchestra. Together with [...]

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Beautiful Karlovy Vary: Again and again I get intoxicated by the senses

"Again and again Karlovy Vary manages to put me in a daze of the senses, when I see not only what is, but also what could be and what is hidden behind the curtain. When I see everything that is hidden as if by magic. It is perhaps the miracle of the healing springs, which even modern science has failed to capture and describe sufficiently in its fragility [...]

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