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Our team tries to bring you the most up-to-date information about everything interesting that is happening in Císařské Lázně.

Marek Eben guides through the Imperial Spas

On the occasion of the grand reopening of the Imperial Baths, a video was made in cooperation with Czech Television, where Marek Eben presents the Imperial Baths in their newly acquired form. The Imperial Baths, formerly a luxury spa facility sought after not only by Europe's elite, are beginning a new era. This national cultural monument is once again sought after for its uniqueness. The spa is becoming a cultural [...]

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Conference Better Czech Republic 2024: A Challenge for the Future

The prestigious Better Czech Republic 2024 conference, organized by Forbes, was held for the second time this year (17 October 2024) in the Císařské lázně Spa in Karlovy Vary. This event is a unique platform for discussing the future of our country, with the aim of sparking change and inspiring new ideas. The main stage hosted 65 speakers and more than [...]

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Beautiful Karlovy Vary: Again and again I get intoxicated by the senses

"Again and again Karlovy Vary manages to put me in a daze of the senses, when I see not only what is, but also what could be and what is hidden behind the curtain. When I see everything that is hidden as if by magic. It is perhaps the miracle of the healing springs, which even modern science has failed to capture and describe sufficiently in its fragility [...]

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The hall in the Imperial Spa won an award in the Interior of the Year competition

The distinctive colourful and technically sophisticated multifunctional hall for concerts, theatre, lectures and other social and cultural events is located in the building of the Imperial Spa. The building no longer serves its original purpose and so this hall is located in its atrium... this is the description of the Atrium Hall in the competition Interier of the Year 2024.

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Imperial Spa - the jewel of the Karlovy Vary Region - collects prestigious awards

The Imperial Baths have won a number of prestigious awards for their unique reconstruction. 🏆 Building of the Year 2024 The Imperial Baths and the Concert Hall in Karlovy Vary were awarded the title of Building of the Year at the 32nd annual Building of the Year 2024 competition. The award was given for the exceptional and original construction of the concert hall. The jury appreciated the inventive spatial bravura that the architectural [...]

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What does the spa taste and smell like? Children will learn more than that at the Imperial Baths

With the arrival of the school year, the Imperial Baths have launched new educational programmes for kindergartens and schools. These programmes use experiential pedagogy and introduce children to the history of the spa industry and the importance of the spa. The youngest children (3-7 years old) in the "Spa with all the Senses" program learn about the spa through smell, taste and hearing while discovering the beauty of the historic building. They experience how the baths smell, [...]

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