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Our team tries to bring you the most up-to-date information about everything interesting that is happening in Císařské Lázně.

A little monkey is not a big drunk, or the wine list of the hotel "At Archduke Charles"

Let not thirst be thy sorrow, for our cellars are full of barrels! This is how one can loosely translate the German rhyme from the wine list of the hotel "At Archduke Charles", which used to stand in today's Moravská Street just a short walk from Vřídlo. We found the wine menu of the local "Old German cellar" in the collection of Stanislav Burachovich and we want to share this charming archival relic. [...]

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Imperial Spa scored again

The Karlovy Vary Region has already won several awards for the Císařské lázně in the short time since its opening: 🏆 Newly added to the valuable collection of awards are the prizes from the Construction of the Karlovy Vary Region 2023 competition In the category of Construction: 1st place Císařské lázně - concert hall, 2nd place Revitalization of the Císařské lázně building The prize of the magazine Stavebnictví: Císařské lázně - concert hall [...]

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Thanks to partners, sponsors

We would like to thank all those who participated in the revitalization of the Imperial Spas in Karlovy Vary and the grand re-opening of the Imperial Spas.

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Imperial Spa - the jewel of the Karlovy Vary Region - collects prestigious awards

The Imperial Baths have won a number of prestigious awards for their unique reconstruction. 🏆 Building of the Year 2024 The Imperial Baths and the Concert Hall in Karlovy Vary were awarded the title of Building of the Year at the 32nd annual Building of the Year 2024 competition. The award was given for the exceptional and original construction of the concert hall. The jury appreciated the inventive spatial bravura that the architectural [...]

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Famous visitors

One of two monumental paintings by the Carlsbad painter Wilhelm Schneider hangs in the men's lounge, which was formerly used for the rest of the men's guests after their baths. The artist captured famous visitors to Karlovy Vary in 1914. This canvas, depicting spa guests from 1791 to 1914, gives pride of place to the then Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph I. [...]

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Essence of Place - Imperial Spa

Perfmormance - a movement performance by students of the Department of Nonverbal Theatre at HAMU depicting the distinctive atmosphere of the place and the relaxing unique atmosphere of spa life. It would be a shame if you missed this great performance, so we share with you a recording of it... 📹 ESSENCE OF PLACE - CISSARY SPA: KRISTÝNA BŘESKÁ AND ANNA ŠEFRNOVÁ

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