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Our team tries to bring you the most up-to-date information about everything interesting that is happening in Císařské Lázně.

Famous visitors

One of two monumental paintings by the Carlsbad painter Wilhelm Schneider hangs in the men's lounge, which was formerly used for the rest of the men's guests after their baths. The artist captured famous visitors to Karlovy Vary in 1914. This canvas, depicting spa guests from 1791 to 1914, gives pride of place to the then Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph I. [...]

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Here Vary 2024/25 | Subscription

This is Vary 2024/25. This is the movie season with subscription. We will bring you the festival atmosphere and 10 films in preview to Czech cinemas. Get a discounted subscription (3 of the 10 films will be free) and experience 10 movie nights between October 2024 and June 2025. Once a month you will walk the red carpet and enjoy a preview [...]

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The Imperial Spas took over the archival collection of the famous Karlovy Vary historian and patriot Dr. Stanislav Burachovič!

Hundreds of archive boxes and documents, thousands of maps, magazines and photographs and many unique regional monuments have been taken into the care of the Imperial Spas. At the request of the family of the late Dr. Burachovich, his life's historical work found a new home here. Last week, Mrs. Alena Burachovic signed the donation contract and the Imperial Spas are now beginning to work on the inventory and [...]

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Magnificent baths

At the time, the Imperial Spas were among the most modern facilities of their kind in the world. For the first time, a unique system of transporting prepared tubs of peat by means of lifts and internal pavilions to the baths themselves was used. It was even reported in the period press that the baths "miraculously emerge from the floor and after the bath are again just as miraculously [...]

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Communist-capitalist casino in Císařské lázně

The landmark year of 1989 was much more blurred in Karlovy Vary than elsewhere in the country. Long before the revolution, communism shook hands with capitalism here. One such case was the casino in Císařské lázně, which opened in June 1988. The Communist Party-run country in the late 1980s was in desperate need of Western marks, shillings and dollars. Lubomír Štrougal's cabinet therefore made contacts [...]

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Karel Čapek: Karlovy Vary on the threshold of the season

Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk and Karel Čapek stayed together in Karlovy Vary 90 years ago. They worked on the famous "Talks with TGM". At that time, the town was struggling with the effects of the economic crisis and the tense international situation, which led to an outflow of spa guests.

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