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Our team tries to bring you the most up-to-date information about everything interesting that is happening in Císařské Lázně.

Senior Citizens Month

Celebrate the month of seniors in Císařské Lázně. Take advantage of the 50% discount for seniors throughout October.

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A little monkey is not a big drunk, or the wine list of the hotel "At Archduke Charles"

Let not thirst be thy sorrow, for our cellars are full of barrels! This is how one can loosely translate the German rhyme from the wine list of the hotel "At Archduke Charles", which used to stand in today's Moravská Street just a short walk from Vřídlo. We found the wine menu of the local "Old German cellar" in the collection of Stanislav Burachovich and we want to share this charming archival relic. [...]

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Wedding in the Imperial Spa

Would you like to say yes in a magnificent historic building built by famous Viennese architects and a symbol of 19th century luxury and splendour? You have the opportunity! Wedding ceremonies can be held in the spa building from 202 5 on two dates - always on the last Saturday in April and the first Saturday in October all day long. V [...]

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Beautiful Karlovy Vary: Again and again I get intoxicated by the senses

"Again and again Karlovy Vary manages to put me in a daze of the senses, when I see not only what is, but also what could be and what is hidden behind the curtain. When I see everything that is hidden as if by magic. It is perhaps the miracle of the healing springs, which even modern science has failed to capture and describe sufficiently in its fragility [...]

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The hall in the Imperial Spa won an award in the Interior of the Year competition

The distinctive colourful and technically sophisticated multifunctional hall for concerts, theatre, lectures and other social and cultural events is located in the building of the Imperial Spa. The building no longer serves its original purpose and so this hall is located in its atrium... this is the description of the Atrium Hall in the competition Interier of the Year 2024.

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New weekend programme for children and parents: experience the spa with all your senses 

The Imperial Spa in Karlovy Vary presents a novelty that will delight children's visitors and their parents. Since February, they have been offering unique experiential tours that will introduce young and old guests to the fascinating world of the spa in a fun way. The programme is designed not only to entertain, but also to educate and inspire. Children on the tour will discover [...]

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