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Our team tries to bring you the most up-to-date information about everything interesting that is happening in Císařské Lázně.

Conference Better Czech Republic 2024: A Challenge for the Future

The prestigious Better Czech Republic 2024 conference, organized by Forbes, was held for the second time this year (17 October 2024) in the Císařské lázně Spa in Karlovy Vary. This event is a unique platform for discussing the future of our country, with the aim of sparking change and inspiring new ideas. The main stage hosted 65 speakers and more than [...]

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Essence of Place - Imperial Spa

Perfmormance - a movement performance by students of the Department of Nonverbal Theatre at HAMU depicting the distinctive atmosphere of the place and the relaxing unique atmosphere of spa life. It would be a shame if you missed this great performance, so we share with you a recording of it... 📹 ESSENCE OF PLACE - CISSARY SPA: KRISTÝNA BŘESKÁ AND ANNA ŠEFRNOVÁ

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Karel Čapek: Karlovy Vary on the threshold of the season

Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk and Karel Čapek stayed together in Karlovy Vary 90 years ago. They worked on the famous "Talks with TGM". At that time, the town was struggling with the effects of the economic crisis and the tense international situation, which led to an outflow of spa guests.

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Imperial Spa scored again

The Karlovy Vary Region has already won several awards for the Císařské lázně in the short time since its opening: 🏆 Newly added to the valuable collection of awards are the prizes from the Construction of the Karlovy Vary Region 2023 competition In the category of Construction: 1st place Císařské lázně - concert hall, 2nd place Revitalization of the Císařské lázně building The prize of the magazine Stavebnictví: Císařské lázně - concert hall [...]

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Karlovy Vary brewery

In the collection of Stanislav Burachovič we often come across charming prints. One of them is a view of the Karlovy Vary bourgeois brewery, which stood on the site of today's Imperial Spa since 1732. Even though the picture is idyllic and the summer beer garden is a real lure to sit in, the brewery was a thorn in the side of many Karlovy Vary townspeople. The tall smoking chimney right in the spa centre suggests why. Originally [...]

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Communist-capitalist casino in Císařské lázně

The landmark year of 1989 was much more blurred in Karlovy Vary than elsewhere in the country. Long before the revolution, communism shook hands with capitalism here. One such case was the casino in Císařské lázně, which opened in June 1988. The Communist Party-run country in the late 1980s was in desperate need of Western marks, shillings and dollars. Lubomír Štrougal's cabinet therefore made contacts [...]

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