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VZ Tour 2024 is coming to the Karlovy Vary Region!

Experts from the Centre for Regional Development have prepared an autumn series of conferences where key players in the field of public procurement will present the latest trends and best practices in public procurement.

This is a great opportunity to meet leaders in public procurement and gain access to their know-how. You can look forward to inspiring case studies, sharing of decision-making practices, Best Practice and on-site consultation with the best in the industry.

It will not only be about formal presentations, but above all about inspiring discussion, sharing of practical experience and consultations with real experts. This is a great opportunity to meet leaders in public procurement and gain access to their know-how. You can look forward to inspiring case studies, sharing of decision-making practices, Best Practice and on-site consultation with the best in the industry. As the only office in the whole country, we will focus on socially responsible procurement, a hot topic in public procurement.

Registration is compulsory. Don't miss this great opportunity to gain hands-on experience from leading experts!

Free entry for all participants.


The conference guests are real experts. Come and be inspired by them, make new contacts and take your skills to the next level.


09:00-09:30 | Registration, coffee break

09:30-10:15 | Principles of 3E as a specificity of controls in subsidised public procurement | Centre for Regional Development: Mgr. Lukáš Holub

10:15-10:50 | The direction of public procurement in the Czech Republic. Public Investment, Construction and Social Inclusion Section | Ministry for Regional Development. Adam Gromnica

10:50-11:00 | Coffee break

11:00-11:45 | The most common findings in audits of the Ministry of Finance operations. Audit Authority | Ministry of Finance: Mgr. Mgr. Petra Váňová, Ing. Dušan Vítek

11:45-12:15 | Experience from judicial reviews of decisions in IROP projects. IROP Managing Authority | Ministry for Regional Development. Mgr. Julie Hrubá

12:15-13:00 | Lunch

13:00-13:30 | Procurement in the form of DB - Fidic yellow book from the perspective of the municipality | Statutární město Karlovy Vary: JUDr. Ing. Dana Sarova, Ph.D. LL.M.

13:30-14:00 | Experience with public procurement with DB elements and experience with proceedings before the Office of Public Procurement | Karlovy Vary Regional Authority: Ing. Květa Hryszová

14:00-14:30 | Public procurement of road infrastructure in the Karlovy Vary Region | Regional Road Administration and Maintenance of the Karlovy Vary Region, p. o.: Ing. Jiří Šlachta

14:30-15:00 | On-site consultation | Centre for Regional Development

Change of programme reserved.

Download the programme HERE.


VZ TOUR 2024 Karlovy Vary:
Innovation and integrity in public procurement