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An unusual coming-of-age story in North Kent captures the gritty poetry of the street and softens it with touches of magical realism. A rousing soundtrack, which makes original use of the song Yellow by British band Coldplay, and brilliant performances by Franz Rogowski, Barry Keoghan and the young talented Nykiy Adams elevate the film to infectious euphoria. With the same ease with which the birds take to the skies, it captivates audiences.

Director Andrea Arnold presented the film for the first time in the main competition at the Cannes Film Festival.


directed by Andrea Arnold / 119minutes

This preview is part of the Here Vary 2024/25 project - a film season with a subscription for 10 festival nights between October 2024 and June 2025. Once a month you will enter the cinema on the red carpet and enjoy a preview of a great film. Audiences in cinemas across the country will watch the film with you. The special atmosphere will be enhanced by an introduction broadcast to all cinemas.

The main partners are J&T Bank and CEZ Group.
