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Slovak singer and actress Szidi Tobias is one of the most prominent personalities of chanson not only in Slovakia but also in the Czech Republic, where she is often associated with the name of Hana Hegerová.


Slovak singer and actress Szidi Tobias is one of the most prominent personalities of chanson not only in Slovakia but also in the Czech Republic, where she is often associated with the name of Hana Hegerová. Her charisma and the specific colour of her voice are a clear combination for a "strong" artistic experience. This is perfected by a sense of combining music with attention to detail and capturing the moment, so that each of her songs turns into a small theatrical performance with a "haunting" atmosphere. Her work offers a wide range of moods and arrangements. One can hear chanson, ballads, tango, jazz and echoes of charades. In Szidi Tobias' songs, one can thus find the ideal combination of lyrics and music in the performances of Szidi Tobias & band. Their joint repertoire includes compositions by Milan Vyskočáni and lyrics by Peter Lipovský.

Backing band:
Milan Vyskocani - author of music, piano, guitar
Andrej Gál - cello
Filip Kiss - accordion
Marcel Buntaj - drums
Tamász Belicza - bass
Ján Slezák - saxophone, flute

A sample of the work:

At the hotel in Olomouc:

Szidi Tobias & Band