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Ellaboratin with Dasha and Epoque Q with hang drums

Experience a unique Ellaboration concert, where singer Dasha and the Epoque Quartet bring fresh arrangements of Ella Fitzgerald's jazz hits. The combination of string quartet and percussion (hangdrum, vibraphone, cajon) underlines the uniqueness of the singer and the atmosphere of the evening.

Ellaboration is a new project by singer Dasha and the Epoque Quartet, which pays tribute to American music legend Ella Fitzgerald. It is the compositions of this jazz icon that have become the springboard for their creative elaboration and reinterpretation into unexpected musical positions. The combination of a string quartet with a diverse range of percussion instruments such as the hangdrum, vibraphone and cajon, performed by the excellent Šimon Veselý, creates a unique and sonically rich space. Dasha, one of our most distinctive singers, performs here in a completely new light and shows her extraordinary versatility. Most of the arrangements are by Alexej Aslamas, a master of musical arrangements and arranging.



Dasha is a prominent Czech singer, known mainly for her performances in the field of popular music, but she is often involved in jazz projects and collaborations with symphony orchestras. Her versatility and willingness to try new musical positions make her an exceptional personality of the Czech music scene.
Ellaboration: Dasha & Epoque Quartet