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Three generations, each doing their own thing? Don't you know that? Yeah, who wouldn't. Fossils is a biting story by Michal Kašpárek that brings three different worldviews together. Grandfather, a former gym teacher, father Vladimir, a middle-aged computer scientist, and daughter Julie, a radical environmental activist - each bringing their own perspective on living in modern society. Can they talk to each other?


Lukáš Hejlík is a native of Cítoliby u Loune, where he studied at the Business Academy in Louny. In 2002 he graduated from the Higher Vocational School of Acting in Prague under the guidance of Jan Hartl and Eva Hodinová, where he also worked with directors Helena Glancová and Otomar Krejča. After a year of engagement at the South Bohemian Theatre in České Budějovice, he moved to the South Moravian capital in 2004, where he became a member of the drama department of the Brno City Theatre. He was also a frequent guest at the Silesian Theatre in Opava. He has played more than twenty interesting roles, such as Ariel (The Storm), Treplev (The Seagull), Francek (Marysha), Laca (Her Pastor), Emil (The Straw Hat), Mortimer (Mary Stuart), Isidoro (The Crackle on the Lagoon), Jožko (The Help), Lukáš (Kumšt), Brick (The Cat on the Hot Tin Roof) and more recently Pierre Brochant (The Dumb for Dinner). He made his feature film debut in 2007 in Kryštof Hanzlík's Crash Road. He also appeared in the sequel to the series The Good Neighbourhood. He has made series for TV Prima, TV Nova, Czech Television and HBO, such as Ošklivka Katka, Znamení, Terapie, Základka, Ordinace v růžové zahradě. He often hosts large social or cultural events, as well as fashion shows, trade fairs and corporate events. He is the author of the cult project of staged readings LiStOVáNí.cz. He lives on a farm in Říčky u 9ti křížů, he has a daughter Klára.
After graduation, she joined the South Bohemian Theatre in České Budějovice, where she still works in the drama department. Among her notable roles are Porcie in The Merchant of Venice (directed by Michal Lang), Clarice in The Servant of Two Masters (directed by Jiří Menzel), Jane Bett in Silvestr Lavrik's Pride and Prejudice, and Miss de Tourvel in Dangerous Acquaintances directed by the head of the České Budějovice Drama Theatre, Martin Glaser.


Author Michal Kašpárek


FOSSIL: Fossils