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Imperial Dialogues - a series of talks with prominent public figures on contemporary issues. The aim of the debate evenings is to offer a regular platform in the Karlovy Vary Region for discussions about society, science, technology, art and the challenges we face in the Czech Republic and the world in general.



Tomáš Holub is a theologian, bishop, snowboarder and former military chaplain. In the 1990s he served in the international peacekeeping mission IFOR in the former Yugoslavia and later became the chief military chaplain of the Czech Republic. He has been the Bishop of the Pilsen Diocese since 2016 and is regarded in the Czech Catholic Church as bringing it closer to the 21st century. On December 2, he will be in Císařské Lázně to discuss what paths faith can take and why it is important even in a country of atheists.

Císařské dialogues: Tomáš Holub