Sex on the Waves is a theatrical performance of six comedy stories set in one evening in one small town.
One night, one city, several different couples. First couple gets offered $5,000 for live radio sex. Rock star resists the seduction of a fan. A pole dancer who regularly causes herself work-related injuries faces an interview with her boss. A wife leaves a man who is pursuing a career in radio. The plots subtly intertwine and build on each other, making for an entertaining multi-layered story.
All performed by just five actors!
Translation by Martin Fahrner
Directed by Zdeněk Bartoš
Dramaturgy Martina Pokorná
Scene design by Karel Čapek
Costumes Lucie Wildtová
The cast:
Eddie Petr Németh | Betsy Vladimíra Vítová | Lou David Beneš
Derek Jan Šťava | Susan Pavla Janiššová
Davey Petr Németh | Nick David Beneš
Tommy David Beneš | Melody Pavla Janiššová
Sandy Vladimíra Vítová | Charlie Jan Št'ava
Steve Jan Štava | Laura Pavla Janiššová | Jerry David Beneš | Yolanda Vladimíra Vítová | Eddie Petr Németh